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Seniors engage with alumni at annual LAMP luncheon

Seniors met with alumni from different career backgrounds at the fifth annual Loyola Alumni Mentorship Program (LAMP) Luncheon held in Xavier Center on Friday, May 27. According to Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations Bill Thomason, the luncheon, which began at noon, served to invite all graduating seniors into the alumni program.

According to Thomason the purpose of inviting alumni from a variety of universities was for students to use the opportunity to find out any tips or helpful information about the universities that they would be attending.

In addition, alumni from many different professions attended the luncheon in order to answer any questions the seniors had about a particular career path.

Senior George Holmes, who will be attending Gonzaga University next fall, said that they provided this insight.

“Most of my conversations with the alumni were about the career paths they chose. They told me that they did not go to graduate school after college. Instead, they entered the workforce, and they think this fact helped them out,” Holmes said.

In addition, Holmes also took advantage of his conversations with these class leaders.

“I received a business card from one of the class leaders I talked to, and I plan to follow up with him in the future for any potential information or insight I may need,” Holmes said.

Thomason said, “We offer the Loyola alumni any resource that we can; we try to help them in any possible way.”

The LAMP organization puts alumni in contact with other alumni who can potentially offer them jobs or give them career advice.

Senior Henry Welsh said, “The LAMP program seems like a very valuable networking tool. I see myself using it during and after college when I’m looking for jobs or internships because the first place I want to look is within the Loyola community.”

The LAMP organization will expand this fall into a large online database, where Loyola alumni can input keywords, careers and cities into a program that will make it easier for Cub alumni to get in contact with in another.


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